The Science of Attraction: What Behavioral & Evolutionary Psychology Can Teach Us About Flirting, Dating, and Mating (2nd ed.) (The Psychology of Social Dynamics Book 4)

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(*EPUB*) The Science of Attraction: What Behavioral & Evolutionary Psychology Can Teach Us About Flirting, Dating, and Mating (2nd ed.) (The Psychology of Social Dynamics Book 4)

The Science of Attraction: What Behavioral & Evolutionary Psychology Can Teach Us About Flirting, Dating, and Mating (2nd ed.) (The Psychology of Social Dynamics Book 4) Customer Reviews

  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from Min -- Great read about attraction : This was such an interesting book! Attraction is definitely a science and this book has it down to a tee. Ever wonder what makes someone attracted to someone else? Treat this book like a textbook and you'll learn so much! ( Reviewed in the United States on October 7, 2021 )
  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from E -- Interesting! Makes a lot of sense. : I read this author's The Science of Likability so when this popped up in my feed, I wanted to give it a shot. I'm fascinated by psychology and how we can use it in different aspects of our lives, so I found this really interesting and it made a lot of sense. Definitely worth a read if you're interested in knowing how men and women tick and about the psychology of attraction. ( Reviewed in the United States on October 7, 2021 )
  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from Allan -- Interesting : An interesting topic. I wasn't sure what to expect going into this book. However, the material drew me in. the information presented was well researched and presented in a way that hooked me ( Reviewed in the United States on October 14, 2021 )
  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from Olalekan A -- Must Read! : for me. I fee so confident after reading this book and cannot wait to begin to apply the principles I have just learnt. ( Reviewed in the United States on October 16, 2021 )
  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from Monica3232 -- good book : how to know what you want in a partner, and winning the chase. Great read! ( Reviewed in the United States on October 17, 2021 )
  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from Lalyn J -- Great Psychological Tips : I'm fascinated by psychology and how we can use it in different aspects of our lives. This author is a very good writer that knows indeed how men and women tick and about the psychology of attraction including the ideas on how people communicate their attractions nonverbally with body languages or through actions. If you want to learn about the different flirting styles, and how to know what you want in a partner, and winning the chase. Pick this up and you will not be disappointed. ( Reviewed in the United States on October 12, 2021 )
  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from Quinn West -- Learn the why : Ever wonder why some behaviors elicit certain reactions or why acting/speaking in a certain way increases your chances of success in dating? This book is great for understanding why things are the way they are. This in turn gives you the knowledge to further your skills and insights in attracting a partner, whether that be short term or long term. ( Reviewed in the United States on October 11, 2021 )
  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from Daniel Miller -- Recommend it. : Been reading a lot of self help book. Needing a different perspective in life and input I have not considered... I guess most people are that way with self help books. ( Reviewed in the United States on October 10, 2021 )

The Science of Attraction: What Behavioral & Evolutionary Psychology Can Teach Us About Flirting, Dating, and Mating (2nd ed.) (The Psychology of Social Dynamics Book 4) Related Product may you like


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Encuentre reseñas de clientes útiles y calificaciones de reseñas para La ciencia de la atracción : lo que la psicología conductual y evolutiva puede enseñarnos sobre el coqueteo, las citas y el apareamiento ( La psicología de la dinámica social, Libro 4) en Lea reseñas de productos honestas e imparciales de nuestros usuarios. La ciencia de la atracción ¿Por qué creemos que algunas personas son atractivas y otras no? ... Susan Weinschenk, Ph.D., es psicóloga del comportamiento , autora, entrenadora y consultora en neuropsicología ... Subtítulos y transcripción de TED Talk: La química romántica se trata de sentimientos cálidos y pegajosos que brotan de lo más profundo del corazón ... ¿verdad? No exactamente. En realidad, el verdadero jefe detrás de la atracción es tu cerebro, que realiza una serie de cálculos muy rápidos y muy complejos al evaluar a un socio potencial. Dawn Maslar explora cómo nuestros cinco sentidos contribuyen a este juego de apareamiento, citando ... La ciencia de la atracción . ... Y la ciencia de la fertilidad juvenil y la buena salud, como el cabello largo y brillante, la piel sin cicatrices, es casi toda en demanda porque todos están asociados con la reproducción ... Ariel Boutcher es un entusiasta de la tecnología que se divierte escribiendo e investigando sobre Ciencias de la Computación , Física, Matemáticas, Ciencias del Comportamiento y otros temas aleatorios. The science of love and attraction has been an area of research pertaining to human behavior for decades. There are so many questions to be asked and understood about why individuals are attracted to certain people, why humans are motivated to form socially monogamous relationships and what the neural mechanisms are behind those behaviors. Describe la atracción y la teoría triangular del amor; ... El objetivo de la psicología científica es comprender las causas profundas subyacentes de los factores psicológicos y conductuales . La evidencia de que existe una asociación entre la salud y el apoyo social es el comienzo, no el final, de la investigación científica. ... A estas alturas, debería tener el ... La definición de la ciencia del comportamiento es una rama de la ciencia (como la psicología, la sociología o la antropología) que se ocupa principalmente de la acción humana y, a menudo, busca generalizar sobre el comportamiento humano en la sociedad. The Science Of Attraction: What Behavioral & Evolutionary Psychology Can Teach Us About Flirting, Dating, And Mating (2Nd Ed.) [King, Patrick] On   Oct 5, 2021 — Subconscious And Psychologically Proven Methods To Attract Others, Spark Chemistry, And Create Affection And Love.\N\Nthere Is A Definitive  The Science Of Attraction: What Behavioral & Evolutionary Psychology Can Teach Us About Flirting, Dating, And Mating (2Nd Ed.) 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